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Ogen'ki Desu ka.

Having trouble at the dojo understanding, or remembering Japanese words, phrases, or the names of techniques? Below you can see these words and their English translastions. If you like, you can print out these pages using the Printer Friendly versions below, in Microsoft Word.

Arigato Gzaimasu

Japanese to English Translation

Included in this page are:

  1. General Terms
  2. Counting
  3. Aikido Techniques
  4. Phrases
  5. Hakama

Printer friendly version of our Lexicons (MS Word):

  1. General Terms
  2. Counting
  3. Techniques / Attacks
  4. Japanese Phrases

For terms/translations not covered, please see:
[ Online English - Japanese Dictionary ]

Translating Japanese to English, and vice versa, has always been somewhat difficult. Since the Japanese language doesn't use our alphabet, and the method of pronunciation is different, Americans have tried to phoneticaly spell Japanese words. For this reason you may see Japanese words spelled differently between reference books. As we do more research, we are clarifying and correcting our spelling and definitions.

If you require exact definitions of these types of terms, you might look into the Japanese Martial Arts Dictionary by Thomas R. Jenkins. This is an expensive book, but should have what you need. We are not associated in any way with this author or his associates. We just offer this as a possible solution.

In the Japanese lannguage, a word does not change in the plural as it does in American. For example "kata" may mean one kata or five kata. It is incorrect to say katas".





Ai Harmony
Ai Hanmi Equal stance. You and your partner stand facing each other in the same position
Aikido Ai = Harmony; Ki = Spirit; Do = The Way or Path
Aiki-ken Swordsmanship; according to the principles of Aikido
Aiki Taiso Aikido exercises
Ai Uchi Equal strike
Aswatti Sit
Atemi Defensive strike
Boken Wooden sword used in practice
Bushido Warrior's code
Chin-na Seize-control
Chudan Middle area/position
Dan Black Belt Grade
Dojo Training hall
Dori Grab
Dosa An exercise
Doshi Comrade, friend (used among fellow Aikidoists)
Empi Elbow
Fukushidoin First instructor's rank (2nd or 3rd Dan)
Fune kogi A rowing motion
Gaeshi To reverse
Gedan Low area
Gi Training uniform
Gyaku Hanmi Opposite stance. Though facing each other, you and your partner are in reverse postures; that is, you are in the right hanmi, and he is in the left hanmi.
Gyaku Te dori Cross hand grab
Hai Yes
Hachimaka Sweat band
Hajime Begin
Hakama A divided pant-like skirt typically worn by black belts
Hanmi Posture wherein one foot is advanced one step, body weight distributed evenly on both feet and in a triangular stance. It is very easy to move from this position.
Hanmi Handachi Nage (thrower) is kneeling and opponent (attacker) approaches from a standing position
Hantai Opposite or reverse
Happo Eight directions
Hidari Left
Hiji Elbow
Hiji-dori Elbow grab
Iaido Japanese Art of Drawing a Sword
Iaito Practice sword for Iaido
Itai "It hurts"
Irimi To enter; entering
Iie No
Ippon One point
Jinja Shrine
Jodan Upper area; high position
Jyu Free style
Jyu Waza Free style technique/practice
Jo Wooden staff
Kaiten To revolve or rotate
Kaiten-nage Rotary throw
Kamae Ready fighting stance
Kami Very simply stated: Spirits, Gods
Kata Shoulder; also means "form" practice of pre-arranged exercise(s)
Kata-dori Shoulder grab
Katate One handed
Katana Long sword
Keiko Practice session; training
Keage Snapping
Kekomi Thrusting
Ken Japanese sword
Keyoskay Attention
Ki Spirit. The vital force of the body; Universal Energy; a stream or flow of positive energy
Kihon Basic form of a technique
Kiai Shout of Spirit; meaning "Meeting of the spirits"
Kinkutsu Muscle control
Ki-no-nagare Fluid form of a technique
Ki Musubi Ki blending
Kobu Jutsu Art of Weapons
Kohai Junior Students
Kokyu Breath power; the coordination of Ki flow with breathing
Kokyu Dosa A method of off-balancing and pinning your partner with your "Ki" instead of your physical power
Kohai Junior or subordinate student
Koshi Hips, waist (also called Goshi)
Koshi-nage Hip throw
Kote-gaeshi Wrist turn out throw
Kotai A movement to the rear
Kumi-jo Advanced partner practices with jo
Kumi-tachi Advanced partner practices with ken
Kyu Aikido rank, class. A mudansha, or undergraduate
Kombanwa Good Evening
Konichiwa Good Afternoon
Koshi Ball of foot
Kumae On guard
Kyosho Attacking vital points
Kyu Below black belt rank
Ma-ai Distance between uke and nage, meaning "harmony of space."
Mae Front
Makiwara Punching board
Matte Wait
Mawashi Round
Men Face, head.
Men-uchi Strike to the head
Mig Right (direction)
Mikazuki Crescent
Misogi Purification
Mitsuke Eye focusing and direction
Mokuso Meditate
Morote-dori Attack holding one wrist/forearm with both hands
Musubi Blending
Nage Technique initiator
Nihon Two point
Nukite Spearhand
Obi Belt
Omote Moving in front (Forward)
Omote Sankaku Forward triangular stance
O Sensei Great Teacher
Oyo-waza Variations on basic technique
Oyasumi Nasai Good Night
Randori Multiple attack. Originally a Judo term.
Rei Salutation, bow
Reigi Etiquette
Ryote Both hands
Ryote-dori Both hands grabbed by both hands
Samarai Military retainer (feudal period)
Sayu Left and right
Seiza Formal Sitting (kneeling) posture
Sempai * Senior Student
Sensei * Teacher
Shidoin Certified instructor rank (4th or 5th Dan)
Shihan Master
Shiho Four directions
Shiho-nage Four directions throw
Shodan Holder of the first grade black belt
Shomen Front or top of the head
Shomen-uchi strike to the top front of the head
Shugyo Rigorous daily training for overall purification
Suburi A single movement using the ken or jo, done as a solo practice
Suwari Waza or Shikko Sitting technique
Tachi Japanese sword
Tachi dori Sword disarming
Tachi Rei Standing Bow
Taijusu Body arts. The techniques of Aikido done without weapons
Tai No Henko The basic blending practice. Tenkan exercise
Tai Sabaki Body movements
Tanden Point just below the navel. "One point." "Hara."
Tanto Wooden knife
Te Hand
Tegatana Hand blade. Sword edge of the hand
Te Kubi Wrist
Tenchi Ten = heaven, Chi = earth. A position of the hands, one high (up) and one low (down).
Tenchi nage Heaven and earth throw
Tenkan To turn
Tobi Jump
Tsuki Thrust
Uchi Strike
Uke Technique initator's partner. The person who gives the attack and receives the technique. Generally speaking, "uke" refers to the person being thrown.
Ukemi The art of receiving the technique and falling away from harm. Includes rolling and break falls (high falls).
Ura Moving behind
Ura Sankanku Reverse triangular stance
Ushiro Back, behind, rear
Ushiro Ere-dori Collar grab from behind
Ushiro Hiji-dori Elbows grabbed from the rear
Ushiro Ryo-kata-dori Both shoulders grabbed from behind
Ushiro Ryote-dori Both wrists grabbed from behind
Ushiro Kube-shime Choking with one hand around the neck from the rear, usually while holding one wrist with the free hand
Ushiro-dori Bear hug from behind
Waza Technique
Yokomen-uchi Strike to the side of the head
Yudansha Black belt grade holder(s)
Yamae Stop
Zanshin Unbroken awareness and concentration
Zazen Sitting meditation
Zengo Backward and Forward
( Top)
Japanese Aikido Terminology - General
Martial Arts - Journaled.com
Modified: May 1, 2003