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Writing the Blockbuster Novel by Albert Zuckerman

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Finally! A step-by-step guide to the keys that unlock the doors to Hollywood. Opening the Doors to Hollywood has all the information you'll ever need in order to tap into the $500 million spent yearly in Hollywood on acquiring and developing projects.

Writing the Breakout Novel by Donald Maass

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A breakout novel is one that rises out of its category--such as literary fiction, mystery, romance, or thriller--and hits the bestseller lists. Maass explains the elements that all breakout novels share and shows readers how to use these elements to write a novel that has a good chance of succeeding in a crowded marketplace. They'll learn to:
  • create a powerful and sweeping sense of time and place
  • develop larger-than-life characters
  • sustain a high degree of narrative tension from start to finish

Opening the Doors to Hollywood : How to Sell Your Idea Story, Book, Screenplay, Manuscript

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Finally! A step-by-step guide to the keys that unlock the doors to Hollywood. Opening the Doors to Hollywood has all the information you'll ever need in order to tap into the $500 million spent yearly in Hollywood on acquiring and developing projects.

The Writer Got Screwed (But Didn't Have To) : A Guide to the Legal and Business Practices of Writing for the Entertainment Industry
The Writer Got Screwed (But Didn't Have To) : A Guide to the Legal and Business Practices of Writing for the Entertainment Industry
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The Writer got screwed (but didn't have to). A guide to the legal and business practices of writing for the entertainment industry.

How to Sell Your Screenplay : The Real Rules of Film and Television by Carl Sautter
How to Sell Your Screenplay : The Real Rules of Film and Television by Carl Sautter

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The determination to make it in the entertainment business is only a small aspect. Discipline and coordination play an important factor as well. This book not only covers the basics of screenwriting but digs deeper into the world of feature films and spec scripts; it covers the wide spectrum of episodic television and alternative markets. You will also learn about the basic elements of a script and how to approach agents with your pitch.

Writing Treatments That Sell : How to Create and Market Your Story Ideas to the Motion Picture and TV Industry
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In this entertaining guide, writer-producers Ken Atchity and Chi-Li Wong tell readers everything they need to know to create an effective and salable treatment--one that includes such key elements as a compelling conflict, likable characters, plot twists, a climax, and visual drama.

Getting Your Script Through the Hollywood Maze : An Insider's Guide
Getting Your Script Through the Hollywood Maze : An Insider's Guide
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A comprehensive look at the business, structure, and art of writing screenplays. An excellent start for someone new to the business to get an overall sense of what's required to create and sell a successful screenplay.

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Modified: Tuesday, March 07, 2000 05:46:03 PM