The Digital Dojo

Martial Arts World News

[ Styles/Martial Artists | Historical Docs | Martial Artists/Actors ]
[ Website Awards | Software | Japanese Art: Netsuke & Tsuba ]
[ Japanese/English Dictionary 1 | Dictionary 2 ]

Welcome to's, Martial Arts performance pages: The Digital Dojo. As a website dedicated to film, video and stage productions, this area is devoted to the students, practitioners and technicians of the Martial Arts as they relate to both theater and the real world.

The information supplied here on Martial Arts and Martial Artists/Actors, are oriented toward the professionally related theatrical, technical, acting and choreographic arts. The Bio's given for the individuals below have a professional viewpoint and are being honed to deliver what we consider appropriate information with our focused orientation. For information on Martial Arts in the U.S., see Martial Arts History of the United States.

Regarding our featured Martial Artists: "fan" or "curiousity" information about these Martial Artists, Actors and technicians, if desired, should be acquired from the "fan" types of websites. We see nothing wrong with those types of websites. Quite obviously, if it were not FOR those interested fans and movie-goers, there would simply be no entertainment industry. Also, as we are all part of that group, at least, to some degree, we strive to enhance the professional information on these indivduals and art forms.

It is our sincere desire to have a more technical orientation here related to these professionals, who are involved in the theatrical arts as they relate to the Martial Arts. In some situations, we will supply links to these "fan" types of websites. However, we are really only concerned with the individuals (and their arts) who are either Martial Artists, Actors, or special technicians who choreograph and film these formats. At last survey, it is our belief that we are the only website in the world who has this singular orientation.

The presented selections on these pages are picked via general consensus by our staff and a select group of Martial Artists that will remain anonymous. Although suggestions from our Members, users and the public at large, are always welcome, receiving mention on this page is not always a quick and easy task. Though a common thread does exist between these disparate groups and individuals, a certain amount of research and consideration is required to make these selections appropriate and with due restraint.

As true Martial Arts encompass more than simply "boxing forms" and pounding an individual (or group) into the ground, it is our contention that art and culture are a main point of the Martial Arts and not just physical combat. Therefore, we have included a pure Arts department. Our first offereing involves the art of the Japanese Netsuke. Please enjoy as this area grows. We are also currently working on a Tsuba area. In this same vein, please realize the existence of the Iaido Newsletter as indicated on our Mailing List page and the Japanese Sword Arts page.

Classical Martial Arts
Allow us to also suggest a visit to The Classical Martial Arts Resource. From their site: "Just what are the koryu bujutsu? Authentic classical Japanese martial traditions are quite rare in the West, and there's not a whole lot of reliable information in English. If you're curious, this introduction will help you get started with articles and resources on the martial arts of the Japanese samurai."

So, please enjoy the website and the effort we have put into bringing you a hopefully informative and educational experience. It is our sincerest hope that visitors to these pages will either learn something new, or offer knowledge to the others who sojourn here. Please feel free to leave us a note that you have visited us. If you would like to help support our cause, please visit our growing, online eStore area. In there, you will find software for running a Dojo, and more to come.


Thank you,
Martial Arts Staff

Website Awards [ Top ]

WMAIC Award for Excellence

Styles / Masters [ Top ]


[ Morihei Ueshiba (O'Sensei) ]
Aikikai Hombu Dojo - Aikido World Headquarters

[ Ki Society ] - [ Tohei, Koichi ]
[ UnOfficial Ki Society Site ]


[ Tatsuo Shimabuku (Soke) ]

[ Steve Armstrong ]


[ Ed Parker ]

Jeet Kune Do

[ Bruce Lee ]

Historical Documents [ Top ]

[ Karate Tournament Programs ]

Martial Artists/Actors [ Top ]

For up to date Hollywood news

[ David Carradine ] - [ Kung Fu ]

[ Jackie Chan ] - [ Kung Fu ]

[ Chow Yun Fat ] - [ Kung Fu ]

[ Sammo Hung ] - [ Kung Fu ]

[ Chuck Norris ] - [ Tang So Do ]

[ Cynthia Rothrock ] - [ Kung Fu ]

[ Steven Seagal ] - [ Aikido ]

[ Jeff Speakman ] - [ Kenpo ]

[ Jean Claude Van Damme ] - [ Kick Boxing ]

[ Wesley Snipes ] - [ Kung Fu ]

[ Top ]

This website maintained by WebRitersand
Webmaster Gordon Hayes (his brief bio)
Digital Dojo - Martial Arts -
Modified: July 20, 2000